We in Ireland, have a digital divide, which is often described as being generational. The first of these two are the people who wish technology, and the global invasion that comes with it, would go away. These people, often secretly, hope that it won’t last. The second are the people who believe that technology is the answer for everything. These people will assume that any issues to do with family health, plumbing, purchasing and entertainment can all be sorted through Google, or from a DIY video on You Tube., and if all this fails, will post a question on their Facebook page.
It is almost as if information and communication technologies have brought a crippling sense of inadequacy to some people and a bloated sense of empowerment to others. Neither of which are real. The reality that we are facing is somewhere between these two points of view.
The Internet has, provided a platform for a great many systems that have influenced and changed the way people communicate. This revolution facilitated by, Skype, YouTube and Facebook, is truly wonderful. The democracy that has emerged with the introduction of Web 2.0 technologies, have prised the power to distribute and publish information, from the hands of the few into the fingers of many.
There is no doubt that the Internet and its off shoots are here to stay and will have an increasing impact on our lives over the coming years. However, it would be foolhardy to equate the ability to access and use the Internet and social media with the importance of real learning. Those who have developed understanding and depth of insight into a subject, provide the fertile ground that nurtures evolution and development of new ideas grounded on old knowledge.
The Global Information Technology Report states the people and countries most likely to benefit economically and socially, from information technologies are the ones who have access to a high speed Internet at a reasonable cost, have the skills to use it efficiently, and are willing to invest resources
So, it is your choice will you benefit from this technology or not?