In a recent survey carried out by a group of marketing students in IT Tralee on IT training needs of SME’s in Kerry. 83% of business owners stated that upgrading technologies is to costly, whereas 90% of business felt that their dependence on IT was increasing over time, s 55% of business owners felt that there business success was dependent on having correct It in place.
One solution for businesses is to examine the potential that cloud computing can offer them. As services provided through cloud computing technologies are paid on an as you use basis similar to any utility bill, e.g. ESB, Phone, there is no need for a large initial investment in computer equipment.
One proviso though for all businesses in rural Kerry, successful adoption of cloud computing technologies requires high speed broadband.
The services offered by cloud computing providers can be loosely split up into the following categories:
With the widespread availability of high speed broaband in West Kerry, these are options that businesses and indivduals can examine.
Dykegate Lane, Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland V92 VX86
tel: 00353 669152222