Walk in, is a term that is widely used to describe entering a building or a room. Live in, describes the place where we lay down our heads at night. Blow in describes the status of people who arrive in an area to which they have no prior connection and then set up residence. I would have considered myself a blow in until I was told I was a brought in. In brief we are all used to the concept of an action which brings us into something.
This common knowledge could be behind the naming of the, hugely successful business network, LinkedIn. Part of the stream of social networks that arrived with web 2.0 technologies. LinkedIn, business network is a website which facilitates the building of business relationships and networks, as well as providing a way to keep up to date with developments in your area of work, by maintaining contact with colleagues and in some cases competitors.
LinkedIn was founded in 2002 by Reid Hoffman with a team of developers, this was not his first adventure into web technologies , he had been involved in PayPal previously. LinkedIn aims to connect the worlds professionals to make them more productive and successful.
On registering with LinkedIn, which is done by loading up the site and registering with your details, for this you will need a working email address. The first step in becoming LInkedIn is to give develop your profile, effectively a curriculum vitae, which is optimised for the web. Next you invite people to become part of your network. If you are not already a member you may have received emails inviting you to join LinkedIn before.
This platform gives you the opportunity to showcase to the business world the things you have accomplished and establish connections with people you have done business with and/or attended college with. It is also a website through which you can develop and expand your business relationships.
Your profile and your network of contacts, as well as providing curriculum vitae, with images and video, gives context to your work. This, in turn, will give viewers of your profile a more in depth understanding of your abilities and accomplishments. Your business life is not just what you have done it is the projects you have been involved with the products that you had a part in that were brought to market. It is also the relationships you have established.
If you WalkIn, LliveIn, BlowIn or are BroughtIn to LinkedIn, there is truth in the well worn phrase, if you’re not In you can’t wIn.